Mr. BlahZeeBlah's BlahZeeBlah

Move along, there's nothing to see here.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Looking Into My Crystal Ball

Hey y'all. Just to let everyone know, there is really a reason why I haven't been updating my blog (even after I promised TaterTot that I would be more timely in my posts.) The reason I'll get to in just a moment but let me first say that if I'm actually going to invest in this space then I need to make it my own. So there is going to be some remodeling goin' on 'round her'. I'm going to have to do some digging to figure out how to change various aspects of the layout and what not but it shouldn't be too difficult.
Anyway, the big reason why I'm so busy. The short story is that I'm building a portfolio for my dream job. Gee Mr. BlahZeeBlah, what would that be? Well, it would be working in the Interactive Entertainment Software field, otherwise known as video games. I ran off to school six years ago and got degree in film(at the time there were no degrees in game design) just for this purpose. The only things that are holding me back are a portfolio (which I'm building now) and my reluctance to move away from friends and family. But I've come to a point in my life that the future of my family is looking rather uncertain. The job that I work at now (I'll finish that story with future posts as well) does not allow us to live the life that we want. The health insurance is $440 a month, which if we buy into it that will clean out any "extra" cash we may have for the month. Also I'm very bothered by the fact that I'm not contributing to a retirement plan. I'm pushing 34 and have little or no way to save for the future so a change is in order. We would also like to buy a house and that is the main focus of our finances at this point. The good news is that I got my raise from work so that we can seriously start looking. I believe that we could be in a home by the end of the summer, which would be a huge load off.
So I'm building a portfolio for a game design position at a studio. I've undertaken a massive project but I really want to show off what I can do. It's a project that I think Mr. Bombadee what take an interest in. I won't bore you all with the details but I will tell you that it is a remake of a classic computer title called Wasteland using the technology behind the Unreal series of games. I'm excited about it and it keeps me up late at night so that I'm draggin' ass the next day but that goes with the territory. As the project progresses I'll post updates, screen shots, and details. It will be awhile before anything juicy pops up, I'm in pre-production doing a content analysis of the orginal title. Nailing down all of the narrative elements, sketching out the maps and landscape, and exploring gameplay elements that fit with the planned style of the game.
So that's it for now, check back soon.

Monday, May 15, 2006

3+1=4 Part 2

So here they are, the pictures of the new member of our family. Sorry it's been awhile but I'm a busy guy and my camera took a dump and had to send it in for repair, which is a story in itself. Look for details soon.