Mr. BlahZeeBlah's BlahZeeBlah

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Garbage In, Garbage Out

I work in a retail environment. It's a little different than your typical retail store, being a warehouse type environment and all. We (and by "We" I mean the store manager) allow customers a certain amount of latitude when it comes to bringing food and drinks into the store even though it says right on the front door that they are strictly forbidden. There's a Starbucks within a stones throw of the front door and at any given time you can see a customer(s) looking at product with java in hand. Accidents and spills of beverages is pretty rare so there is little concern about having to mop up after someone that is over-caffeinated.
BUT...Let me just say that if you ever step foot into my store with anything in your hand that even remotely could be considered food or drink, do us all a favor and THROW AWAY YOUR FREAKIN' GARBAGE. I can not believe how many times I'll be walking down the aisles doing a safety check or helping a customer choose a toilet or vanity cabinet and there, sitting right there in all of it's branded smugness, is a tall white paper cup, emblazoned with the Starbucks logo sitting on the shelf, product, floor, choose any spot in the store as long as it is annoying. It drives me crazy having to pick up all of these damn cups. CRAZY I TELL YOU!
Now for all you jag-offs that say, "Well that's just part of your job. Don't be so lazy. You're paid to keep the store clean." Guess what? The only reason it's part of my job is because you're too lazy to walk 15 ft to my desk and ask me for a trash can, which just happens to be right at my feet. To put the matter in perspective let me illustrate. It's the same as if some person is walking their dog and the dog takes a dump in your yard and the person leaves it there. Every once in a great while it's ok, nobody likes picking up crap but animals are cool so you complain about the owner but still pick up the poop. So what happens when the whole neighborhood walks their dog by your house and a dozen dog leave presents...EVERY FREAKIN' DAY? It's your yard, so it's your job to keep it clean right?
Let me just go on the record with an exception. Bring whatever food you want for your kids. Cheerios, granola bars, crackers, whatever. The little tikes can throw food all over the floor and I don't care because kids are cool.


At Fri Jun 16, 11:39:00 AM, Blogger BoomBoom said...

I hope you realize, this post is really just an invitation for me to walk into The Warehouse with a bigass cup of Starbucks and an even bigger smile on my face.

At Fri Jun 16, 11:22:00 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I'm guilty of the Starbucks shopping. I bring my coffee everywhere - even the movie theatre. I however would NEVER leave it on a shelf for you to pick up - rude rude rude.

Those are the same folks who put their chewed gun on the bottom of the table for the waitress to scrape off later or my kid to find and poke at - ewww.


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