Mr. BlahZeeBlah's BlahZeeBlah

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Function or Fashion?

So this lady comes in looking for a specific faucet for her bathroom vanity. She saw it online at blahzeeblah website and just has to have the thing. It's perfect for her. She doesn't want it, she NEEDS it.
I deal with that sort of thing about three times a week. I'm working on designing a customer's kitchen and they see something on DIY channel or Home and Gardens channel and all the sudden the real trendy thing of the moment is a must have. Right now I'm getting alot of people asking for concrete counter-tops.
So anyway, here's the faucet:

It's kind of cool. I can see it in a quaint little French country water closet that has a top mounted toilet tank with a cool pull chain. You couldn't put it in any bathroom and have it work with the decor. So I ask her what sort of theme she has going on in this bathroom. Cats. The bathroom is done in a cat theme. O.K., fine. Your house, your money, your bad taste. The woman proceeds to tell me that the only reason she is buying this particular faucet, which she MUST have, is because she thought it would be the easiest one for her cat to drink out of. Mmmmm...kay. Don't get me wrong, I like animals. I even have a cat. But my cat has a bowl of water in the kitchen and when he jumps on the counters I spray him with a squirt bottle because cats dig in cat litter which has all kinds of craptacular junk in it. Besides, the lady was creepy. She was so sincere when she said it that it made my hair stand on end. So how much was it worth to her to ease her cat's pain of drinking from the tap? This faucet will set you back $120.


At Mon Jul 24, 01:28:00 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I'd only pay $120.00 for a faucet that is smooth enough to repel all hard water stains and doesn't have any nooks and craneys that you have to scrub with a toothbrush to get clean. I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.

At Tue Jul 25, 03:05:00 PM, Blogger Piggly said...

I can picture a cat drinking out of this faucet. I can picture your hair standing on end. Thanks Garbage Juice for the chuckle.

At Wed Jul 26, 09:41:00 PM, Blogger Sir Seanface said...

Call me G.J., I'm here for ya K.J.

At Sat Jul 29, 10:16:00 AM, Blogger Piggly said...



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