Mr. BlahZeeBlah's BlahZeeBlah

Move along, there's nothing to see here.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Work Sucks

When you start thinking that your job totally sucks just be thankful that the odds are pretty slim that you'll be killed while working.

Also, as I begin to bleed a little more of my politics into my blog use this story as a taste of the issues that are to be touched on in the future.


At Fri Aug 18, 01:48:00 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I'm not sure where I stand. I'm an artists and would certainly like to get paid for my art but I also put music to my home videos all the time and sometimes I share those home vids on my blog with my family and friends. Sometimes I burn them to DVD and give them away. Sometimes people like the music and actually buy further recordings by the musicians.

If you buy one of my paintings and then print the image into 40,000 snot rags - I don't think I can expect to recover any of that snot rag money. I've already sold it to you. Maybe I can?

I'm so confused.


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